Facilitation Accreditation (now available online)

The purpose of our Facilitation Accreditation Program is to equip all attendees with the knowledge and skills required to facilitate the Helping Hands Program like a professional.Facilitators

Of course, when you buy a self-facilitation kit, you already receive a facilitator guidebook and a Helpdesk training video. However, the old adage that “..you can have the recipe but still NOT be a great chef..” definitely applies to our programs. When you have your program delivered by an accredited facilitator you can rest assured that it will be delivered with expertise and that your attendees will achieve all of the learning objectives that you have set for them.


Attendees at an accreditation program can expect to: 

  • Learn how to facilitate the new remote / online versions of our program
  • Develop an expert-level of knowledge about the background of our program and distribution process
  • Be confident performing all of the Helpdesk Operator duties within our program.
  • Have practice applying the most common techniques to tailor our program
  • Become aware of the most powerful debriefing techniques available
  • Become aware of how to tailor a program in line with a large range of different learning objectives
  • Learn how to manage the emotions of your participants for maximum learning
  • Practice some of the different options for delivering an “express program”
  • Master the best approaches to ensure that all learning styles are accounted for during your presentation
  • Learn about the most common errors that participants do NOT notice and how to conduct a quick Quality Assurance process after your workshop


The program generally takes 4 hours (including a comfort break).

Prior to the break, participants get to experience a hand-build the normal way a normal participant does. We will give you the complete back-story about the program, then YOU will get to make a hand prior to participating in a debrief. Unlike one of our corporate programs, the activity debrief focuses on your practice as a facilitator. We know exactly how powerful our programs are and we don’t want you to miss out on that opportunity to just EXPERIENCE the program without needing to analyse it.

Following a break, the session is split into four sections :

  1. Helpdesk and Quality Assurance training. During this part of the program, we will take you through all of the most common technical errors that people make during our programs and how to address these. We will also show you how to perform a basic Quality Assurance check of a final hand in less than a minute.
  2. Workshop tailoring and design. During this section of the program attendees will be taught the various ways that our program can be tailored. They will learn how to link learning objectives with these various options for maximum impact and they will also learn how to deliver an Express Program. During this phase of the workshop attendees will also begin to develop their own tailored slides to use at their upcoming program.
  3. Debriefing during a program. The debriefing techniques that our facilitators choose to use can vary greatly depending on the unique learning objectives for the session, the profile of attendees at that program and the size of the group. Accredited facilitators will learn a variety of approaches to ensure that they are well equipped to handle any contingency.
  4. Advanced facilitation techniques. During this phase of the accreditation training we discuss how to ensure that we accommodate all different learning styles within the program. We also discuss managing emotions for maximum impact.


The cost of our public accreditation programs are $1,000 (incl GST) per attendee. That price includes the cost of the hand that you will make during the program, all workshop materials and any meals provided during the program. Public accreditation programs are open to all participants irrespective of their employer and are held at an external venue. 

The cost of running an in-house accreditation program is $900 (incl GST). In-house accreditation programs are tailored for the specific company that we are working with. Normally, we require that our clients have a minimum of 3 facilitators attend each in-house accreditation program.